Jika Seorang Pleghmatis...

Kamu adalah tipe orang Pleghmatis. Cinta damai, tak mau cari masalah, pengamat, pendengar dan juga pemberi solusi yang baik.

Kamu bukan jenis orang yang akan turun ke jalan menyuarakan pendapatmu.

Jika tidak senang akan sesuatu, kamu


Setiap yang hidup pasti butuh makanan untuk tetap hidup. (Kalimat pembukanya terlalu mainstreem. OK scratch that. And here we go again.)

Mahkluk hidup tidak hanya butuh makanan tapi juga

Love VS In Love

Just come across my mind. It’s about the difference between “love” and “In love”. This is just one of many differences between them. Moreover it’s my own version.

Me and Horror Movies

"Say no to horror and full thriller movies."

Itu moto kehidupan dunia perfilmanku. Takut? Hmm, iya dan enggak. “Iya” takutnya lebih dari sedikit, dan “Enggak”

Discount! OMG (Part 1)

How do you see “a discount”

"Kalau kamu lihat ada diskon...”

“Bagus dong, bisa dapat potongan harga.”

“Lumayan, bisa belanja lebih hemat.”

“Kalau aku sih,

The Lightning

For some people, lightning is something hideous, dangerous and worth avoiding. It’s destructive power kills anything it strikes. The sounds  it produces terrorize all living ears. And when the nature conspirates to make it happen, all living things are alarmed and choose to stay away from it. So they just stay inside someplace safe.

Unlike them, I find lightning enjoyable. For me it is one of God's greatest creations. Lightning has many meanings and scientific explanations wrapped around it. Besides, there is always exitement in watching the sky scratched by those incredible shapes. Moreover when there is a lightning storm and

My Top Ten List


I can’t sleep tonight. Well I don’t think it was such a good opening. But never mind then. Hmm, I know, when I decided to write tonight, it’s gonna be a very short night. The bad news is that I have a class tomorrow morning, and it’s gonna be a busy Saturday tomorrow. Full classes, so I’m gonna need full energy. It means I need lots of sleep. Hmm.. I hope everything will be alright tomorrow.

Well, it seemed that I consumed too much coffee and sugar. That’s why this brain keeps on. Accompanied by the mesmerizing music, I am